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The Zend Avesta, Part III (SBE31), L.H. Mills, tr. [1886], at

p. 333


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1. I announce 2, and (will) complete (my Yasna) to the lords 3 of the spiritual creatures, and to the lords of the earthly creatures, to the lords 3 of those which live under the waters, and to the lords of those which live upon land, to the lords of those which strike the wing, and to the lords of those which roam (wild) upon the plains, to the lords of those of (home-beasts) of the cloven hoof, holy lords of the ritual order.

2. I announce, and I (will) complete (my Yasna) to the Yearly festivals, the lords of the ritual order, to Maidhyô-zaremaya, the milk-giver, the holy lord of the ritual order, and to Maidhyô-shema, the pasture-giver, and to Paitishahya, the corn-giver, and to Ayâthrima, the furtherer or breeder, the spender of the seed of males, and to Maidhyâirya the cold 4, the holy lord of the ritual order, and to Hamaspathmaêdhaya, the especial time for ritual deeds 5, holy lords of the ritual order.

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3. I announce, and I (will) complete (my Yasna) to the settlements of the future one, when the future 1 shall produce them as it were anew, and I celebrate and will complete (my Yasna) to the Praises of the Yasna 2 collected, completed, and much-offered, and to the Myazdas of the saints of the ritual, male and female.

4. And I announce, and will complete (my Yasna) to the Seasons, the lords of the ritual order, and to the heard recital of the Ahuna-vairya, and to Righteousness the Best, to him who has (?) our praise, and to the YêNhê hâtãm, the frequent chant of sacrifice 3, the holy, and ruling in the ritual order.

5. And I announce and complete (my Yasna) to the Gâtha Ahunavaiti, the holy, ruling in the ritual order, and to those women who bring forth many sons of many talents, Mazda-given, and holy lords of the ritual order, and to that (chant) which has its Ahû and its Ratu 4 (before it in the Yasna).

And I celebrate, and will complete (my sacrifice) to the Yasna Haptanghâiti 5, holy, and ruling in the ritual order, [and to the water Ardvi Anâhita 6].

6. And I announce, and I (will) complete (my Yasna) to the Gâtha Ustavaiti, the holy, ruling in the ritual order, and to the mountains which shine

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with holiness, the abundantly brilliant 1 and Mazda-made, the holy lords of the ritual order.

And I announce, and (will) complete (my Yasna) to the Gâtha Spentâ-mainyu, the holy, ruling in the ritual order; and I celebrate and will complete (my Yasna) to Verethraghna (the blow of victory 2) Ahura-given, the holy lord of the ritual order.

7. And I announce, and (will) complete (my Yasna) to the Gâtha Vohu-khshathra, holy, ruling in the ritual order, and to Mithra of the wide pastures, and to Râman Hvâstra, the holy lords of the ritual order. And I celebrate and will complete my Yasna to the Gâtha Vahistôisti, the holy, ruling in the ritual order. And I celebrate and will complete my Yasna to the good and pious Prayer for blessings, the benediction of the pious 3, and to that Yazad, the redoubted and swift Curse of the wise, the holy lord of the ritual order.

8. And I announce, and (will) complete (my Yasna) to the Airyemâ-ishyô, the holy lord of the ritual order, and to the Fshûshô-mãthra, and to that lofty lord Hadhaokhdha 4, the holy lord of the ritual order.

9. And I announce, and (will) complete (my Yasna) to the questions asked of Ahura, and to the lore of Ahura, to the Ahurian Dahvyuma (Dahyuma), and to the Ahurian Zarathustrôtema, holy lords of the ritual order, and to the farm-house with its pastures

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which give pasture to the Kine of blessed gift, and to the holy cattle-breeding man 1.


335:1 This Visparad consists of additions to various portions of the Yasna; and its several chapters generally follow the corresponding portions of the Yasna in the Vendîdâd Sâdah. The word Visparad means 'all the chiefs,' referring to the 'lords of the ritual.' Chapter I should be read immediately after Yasna I, 9.

335:2 Or, 'I invite.'

335:3 Lords because ruling as chief objects of attention during their mention in the course of the sacrifice, also, as in this case, genii guarding over all of their class.

335:4 So De Harlez, admirably following the Pahl. sardîk (sic).

335:5 Pavan yazisn kardarîh.

336:1 Aunghairyô, a collective, or zîzanen, a participle.

336:2 Here is praise to a part of the Yasna itself, although not yet recited in the V.S.

336:3 Its chief word is yazamaidê, it is 'the well-sacrificed,' the word often occurring.

336:4 Or, 'to him who is devoted to the Ahuna, with its Ahû and Ratu (?).'

336:5 Observe the priority of the Haptanghâiti; it should be read first.

336:6 Interpolated.

337:1 This sense is most obvious.

337:2 The 'fiend-smiting' is the common meaning of vritrahâ´; but verethra is clearly 'victory' in Zend; vritrâ´ also equals defensive valour.

337:3 Can dahmahêka mean 'the departed saint' here?

337:4 A lost part of the Avesta, two fragments of which only survive.

338:1 Comp. Y. XXIX, 2. Y. I, 10-23 follows.

Next: Visparad II