She that lived in the heavens and Piolani (married her brother),
She that was full of enjoyments and lived in the heavens,
Lived up there with Kii and became his wife,
Brought increase to the world.
Kamahaina was born a man,
Kamamule his brother;
Kamainau was born next,
Kamakulua was born, the youngest a woman;
Kamahaina lived with Hali.
Loaa was born a man,
Loaa was the husband, Nakelea the wife;
Le was the husband, Kanu the wife;
Kalawe was the husband, Kamau the wife;
Kulou was the husband, Halau the wife.
The husband.--The meaning. Na'u (mine). |
Wife.--The meaning. Kele (mire). |
The husband.--The meaning. These are myths of Gods. |
Wife.--The meaning.
The husband.--The meaning. Pula (mote). |
Wife--The meaning. Kua (back or to fall). |
The husband.--The meaning. Halale (noise, swashing waves). |
Wife.--The meaning. Malu (shade, protection). |
The husband--The meaning. Nanaikala (look at the sun). |
Wife.--The meaning. Haipule (devout). |
The husband--The meaning. Ohi (gather). |
Wife.--The meaning. Laulau (gathered in a bundle). |
The husband.--The meaning. Huelo (tail). |
Wife.--The meaning. Kakai (range). |
The husband.--The meaning. Moana (ocean, on the deep). |
Wife.--The meaning. Hilo (to entwine, land on Hawaii). |
The husband.--The meaning. Amoi. |
Wife.--The meaning. Akua (god, feared). |
The husband.--The meaning. Haole (foreign). |
Wife.--The meaning. Kuwahine (female Ku, sister). |
The husband.--The meaning. Kelelua (to dampen). |
Wife.--The meaning. Aa (dwarf, fearless, root of a tree or shrub). |
The husband.--The meaning. Ahiakapokau (fire of night in the season). |
Wife.--The meaning. Hapuu (fern-root, a mountain). |
The husband.--The meaning. Ukinahina (coarse grass for Hina). |
Wife.--The meaning. Nilea. |
The husband.--The meaning. Kaukeoa (place the rafters). |
Wife.--The meaning. Hiileia (precious burden). |
The husband.--The meaning. Koiniho (axe of teeth). |
Wife.--The meaning. Naku (wallow, wade). |
The husband.--The meaning. Puukoluakukahinalea (third heap by Hinalea). |
Wife.--The meaning. Noakawalu (the eighth is free). |
The husband.--The meaning. Kuaiwaa Kaewe (ground by canoes the numbers relation or generation). |
Wife.--The meaning. Newaiku (stagger’d from a stroke). |
The husband--The meaning. Kupohaha (dark night of feeling). |
Wife.--The meaning. Pakau (plate hung or put up). |
The husband.--The meaning. Kupokeleau (dark night of swamps.) |
Wife.--The meaning. Makeamo (by the carrying). |
The husband.--The meaning. Kupoloimo (dark night of Lo winking). |
Wife.--The meaning. Holookoa (whole, actually ran). |
The husband.--The meaning. Polonini (Lo's night of anger, pour). |
Wife--The meaning. Haihai (break into pieces). |
The husband.--The meaning. Poloula (redness of the god Polo). |
Wife.--The meaning. Ula (red, bright). |
The husband.--The meaning. Poloikukulu (Polo did build). |
Wife.--The meaning. Hoomoe (laid down). |
The husband.--The meaning. Liilipihapiha. |
Wife.--The meaning. Nuunuu (crimpy). |
The husband.--The meaning. Liilihomole. |
Wife.--The meaning. Iwaiwa (maiden-hair fern). |
The husband.--The meaning. Liiomaka. |
Wife.--The meaning. Olua (you two). |
Aliihonupuu (chief with throat like a turtle). |
}Kaeahonu (life of the turtle). |
Aliilehelehe (chief with lips). |
Lehelehe (lips, talkative). |
The husband.--The meaning. Aliiwalaau (noisy chief). |
Wife.--The meaning. Kukeleau (I am drenched). |
The husband.--The meaning. Aliikilohonua (chief skilled in the earth). |
Wife.--The meaning. Heanaipu (cave of gourds). |
The husband.--The meaning. Aliikaanaua (chief who divides the rain). |
Wife--The meaning. Papahuli (overturned board). |
The husband.--The meaning. Muanaluhaki. |
Wife.--The meaning. Nalu (surf). |
The husband.--The meaning. Muaikumuka. |
Wife.--The meaning. Moemole. |
The husband.--The meaning. Loipouli. |
Wife.--The meaning. Muku (short, stubby). |
The husband.--The meaning Loimanuwa. |
Wife.--The meaning. Lahipoko (short banana). |
Polaa (sacred night) was born.
Then Storm was born, the Tide was born,
The Crash was born, and also bursts of bubbles.
Confusion was born, also rushing, rumbling, shaking earth.
The sea became calm and mountains rose;
Water became lakes and formed houses;
With great awe the posts rose,
And shouts ascended when the spear of Kauikaho was flung.
He wrestled with Kanaloa, Kanikahoe.
Second night was born in the presence of Wakea.
Stormy night was born.
Plenty was born.
A fowl was born on the back of Wakea.
Then Kupololiilialiimuaoloipo died;
The Aukaha Opikokahonua died; he was a warrior.
The leaves bore and disappeared,
Disappeared in the darkest night.