Over the mountains silence reigns--
The silence of night that has moved away,
And the silence of night that cometh,
The silence of night filled with people,
And the silence of night of dispersing.
’Tis fearful the steps and narrow trails--
’Tis fearful the amount eaten and left--
’Tis fearful the night past and gone, p. 22
The awful stillness of the night that came--
The night that went by and brought forth an offspring,
That offspring a dog,
A yellow dog, a tiny dog,
A dog without hair, sent by the gods,
A dog sent for sacrifice.
A speckled bird was first sacrificed,
Else he'd repent for having no hair,
Else he'd repent for having no covering,
And go naked on the road to Malama,
The easiest path for children,
From great to small,
From tall to short,
He is equal to the blowing breeze,
The younger brother of the god
From which sprang the gods of the bats--
The hairy bats. Sprang the bat with many claws--
Sprang the bat and moved away,
That the rising surf might give it birth.
’Tis night.